Cops Direct



When you have a life-threatening emergency, you hope that the first responders arriving are equipped with the necessary medical equipment needed to save your life. Every second is vital to your survival. In most cases, police officers will be the first on scene. Unfortunately, some law enforcement agencies are not given the adequate funding to supply our police officers with the medical equipment needed for life saving care. Cops Direct solves that problem. We provide an on-demand supply line for law enforcement agencies in need of first responder medical equipment. At no cost to them, they can save your life.

Cops Direct helps build strong and safe communities across America. Regardless of it being in your neighborhood or during your travels, we want to ensure that in cases of emergency or crisis, 1st responders can “Stop the Bleed” and save lives!


We actively fulfill the requests from law enforcement agencies. With your funding, we will be able to protect more Cops and the communities they protect.


Cops Direct is a registered 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. Financial contributions may be tax deductible to the extent that the law allows. Our goal is to use 100% of your donation to purchase supplies and provide training.


Our Audited 990 Filing is here. Our Auditors Report is here.

Our Audited 990 Filing is here. Our Auditors Report is here.

Our Audited 990 Filing is here. Our Auditors Report is here.

Remember, YOU are the key to helping your Cops stay alive when critically injured. YOUR donations make the difference!